Application should be made in the Form EA (P)-1 for passport services at I, II and III below and in the Form E.A.(P)-2 ) for the services at IV to VIII. Details of documents to be attached in each case and the fees applicable are given below. Please bring the original documents, as applicable, for verification by the Consulate. In addition to the prescribed fee, a sum of NRs. 270/- is levied from applicants as service charge. Guidelines for seeking passport services given on the bottom of this page may please be noted and complied with.
NOTE: Please make application in prescribed form. Please also bring original documents for verification.
Announcement of new Passport Rules
I. Tariff for Issuance of Fresh Passport
II. Tariff for Re-Issuance of Fresh Passport
III. Replacement of Lost / Damaged Passports
IV. Change of Name
V. Change of surname (in case of marriage)
VI. Change of permanent address
VII. Change of Date Of Birth / Place Of Birth
VIII. Change of ECR status
I. Tariff for Issuance of Fresh Passport
For person aged 15 years and above :
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate
- Proof of Date of Birth,
- Domicile certificate with photo or Election Commission Photo ID or Scheduled Caste/Tribe Certificate as Residence proof
- Educational qualification certificate (in case of ECNR requirement)
- Fess: NRs. 10,010/- for Regular Booklet and NRs. 13,350/- for Jumbo Booklet.
For Children below 15 years:
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate of self and parents,
- Photo copy of Passports of either or both Parents
- Proof of Date of Birth.
- Fees: NRs. 6,680/- for Regular Booklet
II. Tariff for Re-Issuance of Fresh Passport
For person aged 15 years and above:
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate.
- Photocopy of old/existing Passport.
- Fees: NRs. 10,010/- for Regular Booklet and NRs. 13,300/- for Jumbo Booklet.
For Children below 15 years:
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate of self and parents.
- Photo copy of old/existing Passport of self.
- Fees: NRs. 6,680/-.
NOTE: For all cases of issue of Passport (except for children below 15 years) receipt of security clearance from concerned authorities in India is a must. No passport will be issued without receiving the same.
III. For Lost/ Damaged Passport
- Application requesting reissue of Passport due to loss or damaged Passport.
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate*.
- Details or Photocopy of Passport, if available.
- FIR from Police (in case of lost passport).
*An Indian national who loses passport in Nepal and is not a resident of Nepal, he/she need not produce Embassy/Consulate Registration certificate provided there is sufficient evidence of onward journey to third country.
Lost/ Damaged Passport (36 Pages with validity of 10 Years)
Fees: NRs. 20,020/-
Jumbo Booklet (60 Pages with Validity 10 Years)
Fees: NRs. 23,360/-
IV. Change of Name
- Deed poll or Sworn Affidavit signed and attested by Magistrate.
- Original newspaper Cuttings announcing the change of name published in two leading daily newspaper (one local daily from the area of the applican's permanent address in India and another local daily of his present address or nearby area in Nepal),
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate,
- Photocopy of Passport.
Fees: same as that of new passport
V. Change of surname (in case of marriage)
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate
- Photocopy of Passport of husband and wife
- Copy of marriage certificate issued by concerned Registrar of Marriage.
- Affidavit regarding change of surname
Fees: Same as that of new passport
VI. Change of permanent address
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate,
- Proof of changed address
- Domicile Certificate or Affidavit sworn before a Magistrate.
- Photocopy of Passport.
Fees: same as that of new passport
VII. Change of Date Of Birth / Place Of Birth
- Order from the First class Magistrate from applicant’s area of residence in India for change of DOB / POB.
- In case, applicant has applied for both i.e. date and place of birth, an application is also required giving sufficient explanation as to why applicant had submitted wrong information earlier.
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate.
- Photocopy of Passport.
Fees: same as that of new passport
VIII. Change of ECR status
- Photocopy of Indian Embassy/Consulate Registration Certificate.
- Photocopy of Passport
- Copy of educational certificates of 12th standard or proof of Income Tax paid for minimum three years and copy of PAN card.
- Replacement of Passport (36 pages) having validity of 10 years for deletion of immigration check record stamp- Fee NRs. 13,350/- and for Jumbo Booklet- Fee NRs. 13,350/-
Guidelines for seeking Passport Services:
An individual applying for passport should observe following guidelines in order to process the case without delay:
- All columns of the application form should be filled in capital letters with legible handwriting.
- Where ever it is not relevant, applicant should write N/A (not applicable)
- Full name and aliases if any should be written and surname should be preferably underlined.
- Name and Addresses of two relatives/friends mentioned in Column No. 19 of the form should be that of India and not of applicant's country of domicile. The same can be repeated in Column No. 11 of Personal Particular Proforma.
- If the applicant is below 15 years of age, it is compulsory for parents to fill Column Nos 27 & 28 of the form.
- Personal Particular Proforma provided should be photocopied and has to be submitted in triplicate (three copies)
- Four photographs are to be pasted in the boxes provided for the same (one on the page No. 1 of the form and one each on the three copies of Personal Particular Proforma) and one photograph to be pasted in the space between the two boxes shown on Page-7..
- Applicant should put his signature or thumb impression on the photograph pasted on the page No.1 of the form with half signature or thumb impression on the photograph and half on the application form.
- Applicant should put his/her signature or thumb impression in the space provided on the page no 1 and 7 of the form and on the each Personal Particular Proforma. Signature or thumb impression of the applicant on the page No. 7 of the form should be within the boxes provided for the same.
- Applicant is required to present himself/herself while submitting the application form and while collecting the passport. However, in case of applicants below 15 years of age, application form can be deposited and passport can be collected by either of the parents.
- Size of the photographs should be 35 mm/35 mm (studio size) with white or light background.