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Press Release: Celebration of World Bicycle Day by CGI, Birgunj.
As part of Celebrations of "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" ( India @75) and to commemorate the World Bicycle Day, the Consulate General of India in Birgunj organized a Bicycle Rally on 04 June ,2022. The rally was organised in two categories - one for Professional & other for Amateur cyclists.
2. In the Professional category, about 25 cyclists participated including Consul General, local public representative and members of Birgunj cyclist association. It was started at 0500 hours and covered a distance of 40 Kms from CGI Birgunj to Gadhimai temple in Bara and back.
3. The Amateur cycle rally was flagged off by Counsul General at 0700 hrs on the same day in which about 100 cyclists participated representing local administration, journalists, members of civil societies and officers and staff members of the CGI.
It followed a route of approx. 12 kilometers from CGI and traversed through Power House Chowk, ICP gate, Ghantaghar, Maisthan, Adarshnagar, Alakhiyamath, Old Bus Park and Ghariarwa Pokhari.
4. This was the second Bicycle rally organized by the Consulate in six month's time. The rally was aimed at spreading message about physicial fitness and balance and underlying that cycling is not only environment friendly but also one of the best exercises and cheapest mode of transport. The rally also strengthened the bilateral tie among the people of India and Nepal.
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